




(1) アルツハイマー型認知症における神経血管ユニットの役割
(2) 心血管病における免疫機序の解明と新規治療法の開発
(3) 抗がん剤に対する耐性化機構の解明と耐性克服薬の開発



力武 良行

力武 良行 教授

担当科目:処方解析I,Ⅱ 薬物治療学Ⅱ 機能形態学I ロジカル思考演習Ⅱ,Ⅳ 先端医療論 がん薬物療法論 総合薬学講座 合同初期体験実習 IPW演習 組織病理学実習 疾患解析治療学特論(大学院)

所属学会:日本内科学会(総合内科専門医,認定内科医) 日本循環器学会(循環器専門医) 日本動脈硬化学会 日本癌学会 日本血管生物医学会(評議員) 日本分子生物学会 日本生化学会 日本薬学会

佐々木 直人

佐々木 直人 准教授

担当科目:処方解析I,Ⅱ 薬物治療学Ⅳ 総合薬学講座 組織病理学実習 疾患解析治療学特論(大学院)

所属学会:日本内科学会(総合内科専門医,認定内科医) 日本循環器学会(循環器専門医) 日本動脈硬化学会(評議員) 日本血管生物医学会 日本免疫学会 日本臨床免疫学会 日本薬学会 日本光医学・光生物学会 American Heart Association

堀部 紗世

堀部 紗世 講師

担当科目:処方解析Ⅱ 薬物治療学Ⅳ 薬学入門 がん薬物療法論 総合薬学講座 組織病理学実習

所属学会:日本薬学会 日本癌学会 日本分子生物学会

田中 亨

田中 亨 特任助教




【著書・総説 他】
・Rikitake Y. Regulation of the SNARE Protein Ykt6 Function by Diprenylation and Phosphorylation. J Biochem. 2022;172(6):337-340.
・Rikitake Y. The Apelin/APJ System in the Regulation of Vascular Tone: Friend or Foe? J Biochem. 2021;169(4): 383-386.
・Tanaka T, Sasaki N, Rikitake Y. Recent advances on the role and therapeutic potential of regulatory T cells in atherosclerosis. J. Clin. Med. 2021;10:5907.
・力武 良行. 低分子量G蛋白質の神経系における機能と神経変性疾患との関わり. 脳神経内科. 2021年, 94巻4号, p.460-467.
・佐々木直人. 制御性T細胞による動脈硬化の予防. 医学のあゆみ. 2019年, 268巻13号, p.1265-1272.

1. Horibe S, Emoto T, Mizoguchi T, Tanaka T, Kawauchi S, Sasaki N, Yamashita T, Ikeda K, Emoto N, Hirata KI, Rikitake Y.
Endothelial senescence alleviates cognitive impairment in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.
Glia. 2024;72(1):51-68.

2. Tanaka T, Sasaki N, Krisnanda A, Shinohara M, Amin HZ, Horibe S, Ito K, Iwaya M, Fukunaga A, Hirata KI, Rikitake Y.
Novel UV-B Phototherapy With a Light-Emitting Diode Device Prevents Atherosclerosis by Augmenting Regulatory T-Cell Responses in Mice.
J Am Heart Assoc. 2024;13(2):e031639.

1. Kawauchi S, Mizoguchi T, Horibe S, Tanaka T, Sasaki N, Ikeda K, Emoto N, Hirata KI, Rikitake Y.
Gliovascular interface abnormality in mice with endothelial cell senescence.
Glia. 2023;71(2):467-479.

2. Goto E, Hata T, Nishihara M, Neo M, Iwamoto M, Kimura K, Goto M, Rikitake Y.
Preventive effects of dexamethasone premedication on the development of infusion-related reactions in breast cancer patients receiving trastuzumab.
Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2023;89:2102–2112.

3. Shima Y, Sasagawa S, Ota N, Oyama R, Tanaka M, Kubota-Sakashita M, Kawakami H, Kobayashi M, Takubo N, Ozeki AN, Sun X, Kim YJ, Kamatani Y, Matsuda K, Maejima K, Fujita M, Noda K, Kamiyama H, Tanikawa R, Nagane M, Shibahara J, Tanaka T, Rikitake Y, Mataga N, Takahashi S, Kosaki K, Okano H, Furihata T, Nakaki R, Akimitsu N, Wada Y, Ohtsuka T, Kurihara H, Kamiguchi H, Okabe S, Nakafuku M, Kato T, Nakagawa H, Saito N, Nakatomi H.
Increased PDGFRB and NF-κB signaling caused by highly prevalent somatic mutations in intracranial aneurysms.
Sci Transl Med. 2023; 15(700): eabq7721.

4. Munekane M, Mori H, Takada N, Sano K, Yamasaki T, Tanaka T, Sasaki N, Rikitake Y, Mukai T.
Preparation and evaluation of 111In-labeled liposomes containing phosphatidylglycerol for detection of macrophages in atherosclerotic plaques.
Nucl Med Biol. 2023;126-127:108388.

1. Horibe S, Ishikawa K, Nakada K, Wake M, Takeda N, Tanaka T, Kawauchi S, Sasaki N, Rikitake Y.
Mitochondrial DNA mutations are involved in the acquisition of cisplatin resistance in human lung cancer A549 cells.
Oncol Rep. 2022;47(3):32.

2. Emoto T, Yamamoto H, Yamashita T, Takaya T, Sawada T, Takeda S, Taniguchi M, Sasaki N, Yoshida N, Saito Y, Sivasubramaniyam T, Otake H, Furuyashiki T, Robbins CS, Kawai H, Hirata KI.
Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Reveals a Distinct Immune Landscape of Myeloid Cells in Coronary Culprit Plaques Causing Acute Coronary Syndrome.
Circulation. 2022;145(18):1434-1436.

3. Kasahara K, Sasaki N, Amin HZ, Tanaka T, Horibe S, Yamashita T, Hirata KI, Rikitake Y.
Depletion of Foxp3+ regulatory T cells augments CD4+ T cell immune responses in atherosclerosis-prone hypercholesterolemic mice.
Heliyon. 2022;8(7):e09981.

1. Adhikara IM, Yagi K, Mayasari DS, Suzuki Y, Ikeda K, Ryanto GRT, Sasaki N, Rikitake Y, Nadanaka S, Kitagawa H, Miyata O, Igarashi M, Hirata KI, Emoto N.
Chondroitin Sulfate N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase-2 Impacts Foam Cell Formation and Atherosclerosis by Altering Macrophage Glycosaminoglycan Chain
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2021;41(3):1076-1091.

2. Harada Y, Tanaka T, Arai Y, Isomoto Y, Nakano A, Nakao S, Urasaki A, Watanabe Y, Kawamura T, Nakagawa O.
ETS-dependent enhancers for endothelial-specific expression of serum/glucocorticoid-regulated kinase 1 during mouse embryo development.
Genes Cells. 2021;26(8):611-626.

3. 六車 龍介,村井 潤,大塚 章人,力武 良行.
くすりと糖尿病. 2021;10(2):209.

1. Barinda AJ, Ikeda K, Nugroho DB, Wardhana DA, Sasaki N, Honda S, Urata R, Matoba S, Hirata KI, Emoto N.
Endothelial progeria induces adipose tissue senescence and impairs insulin sensitivity through senescence associated secretory phenotype.
Nat Commun. 2020;11(1):481.

2. Amin HZ, Sasaki N, Hirata K, Rikitake Y.
Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte–Associated Antigen-4 Protects against Angiotensin II-Induced Kidney Injury in Mice.
Circ Rep. 2020;2(6):339-342.

3. Goto E, Yamaguchi T, Hattori N, Goto M, Nishuhara M, Uchiyama K, Rikitake Y.
Safety of Ramucirumab Regimen without H1-antihistamine Premedication in Patients with Solid Cancers.
In Vivo. 2020;34(6):3489-3493.

1. Kawauchi S, Horibe S, Sasaki N, Hirata K, Rikitake Y.
A novel in vitro co-culture model to assess contact formation between astrocytic processes and cerebral vessels.
Exp Cell Res. 2019;374(2019):333–341.

2. Kawauchi S, Horibe S, Sasaki N, Tanahashi T, Mizuno S, Hamaguchi T, Rikitake Y.
Inhibitory effects of sodium alginate on hepatic steatosis in mice induced by a methionine- and choline-deficient diet.
Mar Drugs. 2019;17:104.

3. Emoto T, Sasaki N, Yamashita T, Fukunaga A, Masaki T, Nishigori C, Hirata K.
Possible beneficial effects of narrow-band UVB therapy on hypertension and vitamin D levels in patients with cutaneous disease.
Photomed Photobiol. 2019;40:17-22.

4. Amin HZ, Sasaki N, Yamashita T, Mizoguchi T, Hayashi T, Emoto T, Matsumoto T, Yoshida N, Tabata T, Horibe S, Kawauchi S, Rikitake Y, Hirata K. CTLA-4 protects against angiotensin II-Induced abdominal aortic aneurysm formation in mice.
Sci Rep. 2019;9:8065.

5. Sekimoto H, Rikitake Y.
Efficacy and safety of levetiracetam in Japanese epilepsy patients: A retrospective cohort study.
J Clin Pharm Ther. 2019;44:912–923.

6. Noguchi YT, Nakamura M, Hino N, Nogami J, Tsuji S, Sato T, Zhang L, Tsujikawa K, Tanaka T, Izawa K, Okada Y, Doi T, Kokubo H, Harada A, Uezumi A, Gessler M, Ohkawa Y, Fukada SI.
Cell-autonomous and redundant roles of Hey1 and HeyL in muscle stem cells: HeyL requires Hes1 to bind diverse DNA sites.
Development. 2019;146(4).

7. Shirakura K, Ishiba R, Kashio T, Funatsu R, Tanaka T, Fukada SI, Ishimoto K, Hino N, Kondoh M, Ago Y, Fujio Y, Yano K, Doi T, Aird WC, Okada Y.
The Robo4-TRAF7 complex suppresses endothelial hyperpermeability in inflammation.
J Cell Sci. 2019;132(1).

1. Horibe S, Tanahashi T, Kawauchi S, Yasuike S, Murakami Y, Rikitake Y.
Mechanism of recipient cell-dependent differences in exosome uptake.
BMC Cancer. 2018;18:47.

2. Yoshida N, Emoto T, Yamashita T, Watanabe H, Hayashi T, Tabata T, Ozawa G, Hoshi N, Hatano N, Sasaki N, Mizoguchi T, Amin HZ, Hirota Y, Ogawa W, Yamada T, Hirata K.
Bacteroides vulgatus and Bacteroides dorei Reduce Gut Microbial Lipopolysaccharide Production and Inhibit Atherosclerosis.
Circulation. 2018;138(22):2486-2498.

3. Hayashi T, Yamashita T, Watanabe H, Kami K, Yoshida N, Tabata T, Emoto T, Sasaki N, Mizoguchi T, Irino Y, Toh R, Shinohara M, Okada Y, Ogawa W, Yamada T, Hirata KI.
Gut Microbiome and Plasma Microbiome-Related Metabolites in Patients with Decompensated and Compensated Heart Failure.
Circ J. 2018;83(1):182-192.

4. Yamamoto H, Yoshida N, Shinke T, Otake H, Kuroda M, Sakaguchi K, Hirota Y, Toba T, Takahashi H, Terashita D, Uzu K, Tahara N, Shinkura Y, Kuroda K, Nagasawa Y, Nagano Y, Tsukiyama Y, Yanaka KI, Emoto T, Sasaki N, Yamashita T, Ogawa W, Hirata KI.
Impact of CD14++CD16+ monocytes on coronary plaque vulnerability assessed by optical coherence tomography in coronary artery disease patients.
Atherosclerosis. 2018;269:245-251.

5. Yamamoto H, Yoshida N, Shinke T, Otake H, Kuroda M, Sakaguchi K, Hirota Y, Toba T, Takahashi H, Terashita D, Uzu K, Tahara N, Shinkura Y, Kuroda K, Nagasawa Y, Nagano Y, Tsukiyama Y, Yanaka KI, Emoto T, Sasaki N, Yamashita T, Ogawa W, Hirata KI.
Data on impact of monocytes and glucose fluctuation on plaque vulnerability in patients with coronary artery disease.
Data Brief. 2018;18:172-175.

6. Tagashira T, Fukuda T, Miyata M, Nakamura K, Fujita H, Takai T, Hirata K, Rikitake Y.
Afadin facilitates VEGF-induced network formation and migration of vascular endothelial cells by inactivating ROCK through ArhGAP29.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2018;38:1159-1169.

7. Sato J, Horibe S, Kawauchi S, Sasaki N, Hirata K, Rikitake Y.
Involvement of aquaporin-4 in laminin-enhanced process formation of mouse astrocytes in 2D culture: Roles of dystroglycan and α-syntrophin in the expression of aquaporin-4.
J Neurochem. 2018;147(4):495-513.

8. Horibe S, Kawauchi S, Tanahashi T, Sasaki N, Mizuno S, Rikitake Y.
CD44v-dependent upregulation of xCT is involved in the acquisition of cisplatin-resistance in human lung cancer A549 cells.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2018;507(1-4):426-432.