論文 <2018>
J. Drug Target. 2018, 26(4), 373-381.
Construction of nanostructured DNA harboring phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligonucleotide for controlled tissue distribution in mice
Takahashi Y., Araie Y., Nomura D., Takahashi Y., Sano K., Saji H., Takakura Y., Nishikawa M. -
Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2018, 28(2), 193-195.
Synthesis of radioiodinated probes targeted toward matrix metalloproteinase-12
Hagimori M., Temma T., Kudo S., Sano K., Kondo N., Mukai T. -
Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 2018, 639, 9-15.
Acceleration of amyloid fibril formation by carboxyl-terminal truncation of human serum amyloid A
Tanaka M., Kawakami T., Okino N., Sasaki K., Nakanishi K., Takase H., Yamada T., Mukai T. -
Colloids Surf. B Biointerfaces. 2018, 164, 1-10.
Monolayers of a tetrazine-containing gemini amphiphile: Interplays with biomembrane lipids.
Nakahara H, Hagimori M, Mukai T, Shibata O. -
Theranostics. 2018, 8(11), 2992-3006.
Cancer radiotheranostics targeting carbonic anhydrase-IX with 111In- and 90Y-labeled ureidosulfonamide scaffold for SPECT imaging and radionuclide-based therapy.
Iikuni S., Ono M., Watanabe H., Shimizu Y., Sano K., Saji H. -
JSMI Report 2018, 11(2), 9-14.
佐野 紘平 -
Atherosclerosis. 2018, 275, 1-10.
Activatable fluorescence imaging of macrophages in atherosclerotic plaques using iron oxide nanoparticles conjugated with indocyanine green.
Ikeda H., Ishii A., Sano K., Chihara H., Arai D., Abekura Y., Nishi H., Ono M., Saji H., Miyamoto S. -
ファルマシア 2018, 54(7), 688-692.
萩森 政頼,川上 茂,向 高弘 -
Appl. Magn. Reson. 2018, 49, 837-851.
Genotoxic Responses of Mitochondrial Oxygen Consumption Rate and Mitochondrial Semiquinone Radicals in Tumor Cells
Yamamoto K., Yasui H., Bo T., Yamamori T., Hiraoka W., Yamasaki T., Yamada K., Inanami O. -
Mol. Pharm. 2018, 15(9), 3997-4003.
Enhanced delivery of radiolabeled polyoxazoline into tumors via self-aggregation under hyperthermic conditions.
Sano K., Kanada Y., Takahashi K., Ding N., Kanazaki K., Mukai T., Ono M., Saji H. -
J. Labelled Compd. Radiopharm. 2018, 61(11), 857-863.
Indium-111 labeling of high-density lipoprotein-mimicking phospholipid–styrene maleic acid copolymer complexes and its biodistribution in mice.
Tanaka M., Hosotani A., Mukai T. -
J. Labelled Compd. Radiopharm. 2018, 61(14), 1095-1105.
Synthesis and characterization of 11C-labeled benzyl amidine derivatives as PET radioligands for GluN2B subunit of the NMDA receptors.
Fuchigami T., Fujimoto N., Haradahira T., Nojiri Y., Okauchi T., Maeda J., Suhara T., Yamamoto F., Nakayama M., Maeda M., Mukai T. -
Mol. Pharm. 2018, 15(12), 5574-5584.
Characterization of novel 18F-labeled phenoxymethylpyridine derivatives as amylin imaging probes.
Watanabe H., Yoshimura M., Sano K., Shimizu Y., Kaide S., Nakamoto Y., Togashi K., Ono M., Saji H.
Radiat. Environ. Med. 2018, 7(2), 86-94.
The anomaly in atmospheric radon concentration prior to the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake in Japan.
Yasuoka Y., Nagahama H., Muto J., Mukai, T. -
高エネルギー加速器研究機構(KEK) 2018, Proceeding of the 19th Workshop on Environmental Radioactivity 2018, 288-293
Airborne radon concentration measurements using gas-flow Ionization chambers and the effects of temperature changes.
Ishihara, M., Yoshii, M. Minami, N., Yasuoka Y., Tokonami, S., Nagahama, H., Mukai, T.
The XVIth International Symposium on Amyloidosis, Kumamoto
Development of a radioiodinated Thioflavin-T derivative for nuclear imaging of systemic amyloidosis
Hagimori M., Yamauchi T., Hirano Y., Sano K., Tanaka M., Mukai T. -
The XVIth International Symposium on Amyloidosis, Kumamoto
Effect of Carboxyl-Terminal Truncation on Amyloid Fibril Formation of Human Serum Amyloid A
Tanaka M., Kawakami T., Yamada T., Mukai T. -
European Colloid and Interface Society (ECIS2018),Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Monolayers of a tetrazine-containing gemini amphiphile: Interaction with biomembrane lipids
Nakahara H., Hagimori M., Mukai T., Shibata O. -
World Molecular Imaging Congress 2018, Seattle
Cancer-targeted internal radiotherapy using radiolabeled polyoxazoline that self-aggregates under hyperthermic conditions
Sano K., Kanada Y., Takahashi K., Ding N., Ono M., Saji H., Mukai T. -
World Molecular Imaging Congress 2018, Seattle
Radiolabeled chondroitin sulfate A complex as a tumor-targeted nanoparticle probe for nuclear imaging
Sano K., Kinugasa M., Tanaka T., Miyazaki H., Mukai T. -
9th International Conference on High Level Environmental Radiation Areas- For Understanding Chronic Low-Dose-Rate Radiation Exposure Health Effectsand Social Impacts (ICHLERA 2018), Hirosaki
Evaluation of a radon air monitor as a measurement of radon concentration in water in comparison with a liquid scintillation counter
Higuchi, S., Kamishiro, Y., M. Ishihara, M., Yasuoka, Y., Mori, Y., Hosoda, M., Iwaoka, K., Tokonami, S., Janik, M., Muto, J., Nagahama, H., Mukai, T. -
The 10th China-Japan-Korea Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences, Xiamen
Enhanced delivery of radiolabeled thermoresponsive polymers into tumors under hyperthermic conditions for internal radiotherapy
Sano K., Kanada Y., Takahashi K., Ding N., Yamasaki T., Munekane M., Ono M., Saji H., Mukai T.
Best Postar Award -
The 10th China-Japan-Korea Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences, Xiamen
Development of SPECT/Fluorescence dual imaging probe based on polyoxazoline derivative for detection of tumors
Bao L., Sano K., Suzuno N., Yamasaki T., Munekane M., Mukai T.
Best Postar Award
第19回「環境放射能」研究会, つくば
吉井 未来, 石原 万己, 南 のどか, 安岡 由美, 床次 眞司, 長濱 裕幸, 向 高弘 -
第43回日本脳卒中学会学術集会, 福岡
池田 宏之, 石井 暁, 佐野 紘平, 千原 英夫, 新井 大輔, 安部 倉友, 西 秀久, 小野 正博, 佐治 英郎, 宮本 亨 -
還元型テトラジン(rTz-C18)と生体膜脂質の Langmuir 単分子膜挙動
中原 広道,萩森 政頼,向 高弘,柴田 攻 -
甘中 健登,佐野 紘平,萩森 政頼,山﨑 俊栄,宗兼 将之,向 高弘 -
佐野 紘平,金田 侑子,山田 真智子,小野 正博,佐治 英郎,向 高弘 -
宗兼 将之,佐野 紘平,山﨑 俊栄,向 高弘 -
第16回 次世代を担う若手のためのフィジカル・ファーマフォーラム(PPF2018),三浦
田中 寿枝,佐野 紘平,宗兼 将之,山﨑 俊栄,向 高弘 -
第2回日本核医学会分科会 放射性薬品科学研究会/第18回放射性医薬品・画像診断薬研究会,東京
包 玲,佐野 紘平,鈴野 菜都佳,山﨑 俊栄,宗兼 将之,向 高弘
CKJSRS2018 トラベルグラント受賞 -
八巻 耕也,池田 宏二,中山 喜明,上田 久美子,土生 康司,武田 紀彦,佐野 紘平,森脇 健介
三木 麻友美,佐野 紘平,田中 寿枝,宗兼 将之,山﨑 俊栄,向 高弘
優秀ポスター賞受賞 -
澤田 和紀,甘中 健登, 佐野 紘平, 向 高弘,チッテリオ ダニエル,蛭田 勇樹
萩森 政頼,山内 健夫,平野 優里,土屋 美希,山﨑 俊栄,佐野 紘平,田中 将史,向 高弘
伏見 育崇,岡田 知久,荒川 芳輝,志水 陽一,大嶋 園子,日野田 卓也,中島 諭,佐野 紘平,石守 崇好,中本 裕士,富樫 かおり
中本 裕士,石守 崇好,志水 陽一,佐野 紘平,佐賀 恒夫,富樫 かおり
Brachytherapy with Intratumoral Injections of Radiometal-labeled Polymers that Thermo-responsively Self-aggregate in Tumor Tissues
佐野 紘平,金田 侑子,金崎 健吾,丁 寧,小野 正博,佐治 英郎