




神戸薬科大学臨床薬学講座 教授 江本憲昭

Welcome Notes

As a PI of the laboratory, my long-term goal is to contribute medical science by performing translational research, and develop the physician-scientists.

To improve human health, scientific discoveries must be translated into practical applications. Such discoveries typically begin at “the bench” with basic research — in which scientists study disease at a molecular or cellular level — then progress to the clinical level, or the patient's “bedside.” In addition, for the speedy translation of promising scientific discoveries into patient treatment, we need a special breed of medical researchers who are trained to ask clinically relevant questions in a clinical research environment. It's these individuals who transform clinical observations into research studies and eventual medical advances.

We have been focusing on the endothelin system and the circadian system to translate our findings obtained from cell biological experiments and genetically modified animals into clinical applications. Now we are in the process to seek a new original project in the field of cardiology and vascular medicine. We would like to welcome those who are interested in being physician–scientists, MDs who devote a majority of their professional effort to research, and investigators with joint MD/PhD degrees who work at this important interface between science and medicine.

Noriaki Emoto